Ready to Leave? Why Hire a Divorce Lawyer Before You Proceed With the Paperwork

If you're going through a divorce, you might not think that you need a lawyer, especially if the case seems like a simple dissolution. Unfortunately, many people wrongly assume that they can handle a simple divorce on their own. If you've decided to handle your own divorce, read the information provided below. You'll find four important reasons to hire a divorce lawyer before you proceed with the paperwork. 

Don't Leave Benefits on the Table

If you're ready to file for divorce, you want to make sure that you receive all the benefits you're entitled to. The best way to ensure that is to hire a divorce lawyer. One of the problems you might encounter when you handle your own divorce is that you might leave benefits on the table. This is especially true where retirement accounts, shared accounts, and maintenance payments are concerned. When you hire a divorce lawyer, they'll make sure you receive the benefits you're entitled to. 

Don't Take Longer Than Needed

If you're ready to move on with your life, you want your divorce to proceed as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, without legal representation, your divorce might drag on for much longer than you'd expect. There are a couple of reasons for the delays. First, you might make mistakes that will require additional paperwork. Second, you might miss the opportunity to participate in alternative resolutions. Luckily, you can save time on your divorce by hiring a lawyer. They'll ensure that the paperwork is filed properly, and they'll help you participate in alternative resolution programs. 

Don't Get Left in Financial Ruin

If you plan to file for divorce, make sure your finances are protected. This is especially important if you and your spouse have shared assets or shared debts. Many people file for divorce without protecting their finances. Unfortunately, that can leave them in financial ruin once the divorce is filed. If you're not prepared to protect your financial future, it's time to hire a divorce lawyer. Your divorce lawyer will work to ensure that marital assets and debts are divided fairly. 

Don't Make Custody Mistakes

If you and your spouse have minor children, you'll need to work out custody and support arrangements as part of the divorce. If you don't have legal representation, those issues can be difficult to work through. Before you're faced with a breakdown in the negotiations, hire a divorce lawyer. They'll handle the negotiations to ensure a custody arrangement that's best for your minor children. 

If you need a divorce lawyer, talk to a law firm like P J Griffin & Co.
